Saturday, January 16, 2016

Discovering your Passion in Writing

                                            "Finally Know what are the things I like to do.
                                         There are many things I wish to do but I didn't do."

As beginner you can see from my various post, still in the process of discovering myself.... what I really want to do, Although i have pretty much ideas.
Instead of siting there thinking and do nothing, I have decided " JUST DO IT" anyway.
Looking back my blog wasn't that user friendly, language wasn't that good and didn't really express myself well. I am happy what I am today atleast I am dare to type anything that would came across
my mind

As Quotes before the longest journey start with a Single steps. So I started my journey in 2010.

With join effort, some of the friends of mine the started well, but at time goes by they have nothing to write and share, thanks to Facebook.

I have realized writing blogs, short article is therapeutic.It is a time when One start to speak with themselves, think deeply, and express themselves through writing. As human beings I believe we all seek to be heard, impossible we express everything verbally to the same person we trust. The person probably be annoyed.

This Season I am going to do something very different, I would blog about photography, Cooking recipe, besides the shades of Life, Of course some Lifehack tips, various short stories, testimonies, family. Blogging

Final word, Guys and Girls out never afraid of mistakes, go ahead make some, learn from it, and try again until you learn from it. "Remember Only FEEDBACKS no Mistakes" . As long there is A lesson behind each mistakes. Keep trying to discover what U like and dislike. "Spent time with yourself" and Start blogging.

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