Sunday, July 18, 2010

I am Forgiven

I am Forgiven;
You are forsaken,
I choose to forgive other,
cause you have forgiven me.

Though they have taken me for granted,
It never stop the spirit of giving within
I'll never live on people's expectation,
I know who am I in Christ.

I will never be Alone,
He never leave me nor forsake me,
People may ignore me, but You'll never.
People may curse me,but You always Bless me,
People may hate me, but You Love me unconditionally.
Christ within me, what a friend I have in Jesus.

Things happen so rapid,
I can't keep up with the speed
Peoples' life flashes across my life,
I can see they going the opposite way
Everyone have gone astray.

How Sad is to see people chooses the way to destruction,
instead the way to life.
Pervertedness drive people frenzy
Ultimately people become Crazy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Home sweet home

There is no place like home,
I like my home, 
This is a place where I find security,
A place where I have the genuine love and trust.The only Place where I feel belong
A cozy place, that I wanna to come back whenever I have chance to do that. 

KL is not a good place after all
You may think that it is a happening place
with a lot of fun, Shopping mall.
But the true happiness can't be found in Urban.
yes, a lot of artificial things can be found in the urban place.
the place is full of all the artificial people,
Plastic heart and paper mind,
People can be so realistic,
that you can ask God,
Will i able to survive in this cunning and deceptive world?
I believe I can overcome this 

People only come to you when they have problems
I wish they could come to me even though they don't have problems.
I have enough with all the manipulation and control scheme that you all use.
I wish that I just be a real friend to you, that you wouldn't take me for granted.

I am tired of always been the Active one,
I am tired of always been the one who talks,
I guess it is the time for me to act cool,
Talk if necessary
It is time for me to be passive towards certain people,
You make me look like a fool, when I am talking and you ain't responding.
You make me look so cheap, I have to start inflate my value, not letting you to bring me down
I am gonna shine, despite of anything happen to me.
I am gonna smile in the midst of misunderstanding and distress situation. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Vindicate me

Vindicate me O Lord,
There is someone Accuses me of something that I didn't do.
Accuses me something that I didn't say.
I lay him before your alter,willing surrender him into the righteous Judge.

Not to be defensive, His words doesn't build me up.
I utter an neutral statement, and he said that the statement I have spoken is a curse,and the Lord will put a curse back to me'.
this is not the way Christian should behave.
No offence to him
Just have to forgive him, not to judge him
But he offended me just have to forgive him
Outwardly speaking Godly things inward are viper's poison
His heart have deep unforgivingness , so the words that he speak defile his listener.
May the Lord bless him, with more love.
You can't love a person until you have experience love from the Lord.

Guard your hear for it is the wellspring of life , I will not let my heart be defile by your words.
I will not let Pay back evil ,with evil.
I will raise my voice as you did.
I will not be rude ,as you did( talking to me without eye contact)
You told me that I never listen to what you say ,that is true. How am I gonna listen to you, if you are not having any eye-contact with me.
God bless you