We Judge our parents
We Judge our Friends
We Judge our Lectures
We Judge our Relatives
WE Judge them our neighbors, how they mow their lawn.
We judge them how they teach their children'.
WE Judge our Friends for the way they act , their speech , their characters , their backgrounds
But Who are we to Judge !!!
Judging others doesn't make you Holier
Judging others doesn't make your flaw characters smell better.
Judging others doesn't make one Greater.
We are not Perfect person , Seriously no one is Perfect except God.
Are We trying to be gods of the world.
God Forbids.
Before we judge other , we have to reevaluate ourself.
Hypocrites, First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye
(Matthew 7:5)
We have to focus on the best of every person , God Bless everyone