Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Totally Change

Going through phases of change, It will happen and It gonna happen....
It will change my body ,spirit and soul.
Next semester, everything will change dramatic.......
Facebook will change,  I will change the blogspot layout, Change a new hand phone
Change a new email address.

Most important that I will go through that hardship,
I am not afraid, If the road is too dark I will close my eye and use my ear to listen, follow God's direction and walk.
My old self is dead, Living a new life......
I just give up my old Life at the Alter, fed up with the past.
Longing for a new beginning.
No longer that I who live but Christ who liveth in me .

1 comment:

  1. Its a good experience to listen from you that how you mostly depended upon God. May God Bless you as you believe and follow Him!
