Is Stalking the new Game???
Currently I have discovered that I have been Stalked by my Cell Group Leader from Glad Tidings Church.
I found out that through IP detectors which I have embedded in my blog.
It really upset me. I just notice that my cell leader have sneaked into my Blog, Facebook.... I don't know they are trying to find out.
If they really concern about me, why don't they call me message me. They do not have sneaked into my profile. Anyway I have choose to privatize a list of my cell group leaders from Glad Tidings, noted that whoever wish to be ex-communicated by me please feel free to stalk me. They have cross the boundaries, I feel like driving them into the wilderness of Sahara dessert. It get into Volcano Eruption, when I knew that they are stalking my eldest sister. How dare they Mess with My family. Evidence that I have collected will be used to prosecute them.