Thursday, March 18, 2010


A few months ago ,I was having problem in relationship with a friend.
Hope that after that incident I can still call him a 'friend'
Now having trouble in picking the right career path and study.
Just have to start to learn to listen from the Voice of my Creator.
A lots of voice come and distract me 
Some ask me to take short cut ,
Some tell me to follow their path,
Friends and relatives.
They all have their own point of view but it doesn't match with my thoughts.

After a few months of discussion with my parent 
It come to a conclusion 
They finally let me continue the my Grade 8 Practical test.
Now I have to persevere And Stay focus.

Thank Mom and Dad for your support XOXO

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What LOVE Is LOVE not

Who really loves you ? Your family, Your friends, Your BFF( best friend forever) Your girlfriend/boyfriend....
How you define Love, You might have heard that love is blind , this is certainly wrong , love is not blind on the contrast lust is blind.

You might have heard,LOVE is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud
Love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself, love has no pride............ coded from 1 Corinthians 13:4 onward
The action of love is now described in these passage.

These are the qualities that need to be found in a relation whether Boyfriend-girlfriend relationship or Best friend or just normal friend.....
If these values that cannot be found in a relationship that you are in perhaps that person or individual is not worthy of you . If you have the real love in a relationship, you will have a long-term relationship. It is because Love never fail, Love does not take account of sin , love covers the multitude of sins.
In conclusion, when you Have Love , you have it all.

Maybe We should take time and evaluate ourselves , Words or our action are they are the fruits of Love ?

Pray to God , one day He will reveal the truths behind one person , so that you will not walk blindly when you are going to start a relationship or end relationship.
Someone told me that Ask God to Lead you to the right friend, even though you may though that now your friend are 'good'/'best' friend to you . It may not benefits you in a relation .
Friends may be the one who leads us to God, Friends can be the one who leads us astray.

Monday, March 1, 2010

MY Choice or HIS choice

Is hard to Choose a University or a college for further study......
Although I have make my decision upon where to proceed my study ......

But the word Uncertainties and Doubts keep playing in my mind, the words that spoken by people is resonating in my mind. They say Degree and Advance diploma is different , Degree is better than Advance diploma besides  the name and the Cost (Obviously) .

WHos voice should i listen to my heart telling me to go to KL and explore..... Kampar is becoming more like Ipoh but I wanna experience the KL life , My curiosity drives me ..... In KL there is a lot
Big mall, Mega Church , Wonderful people that I am going to meet and there are more challenges to face.

On  the other hand,  Living in Kampar is feel like living in my own comfort zone . Everything I have is near to me from logistic, family and friends and most important $$$. Kampar is no longer a town that fill with bulls, last time the population of bull and cow are more than human, Since the UTAR is built and open in 2007 the population of cow and bull have drops ....
 Everything I leave it for God, For His divine choice ..... waiting for a still small voice to aid me in decision making. Leave the rest of my story for the author of life