Hey, guys and girls
Long time I have been away ...
How your all have been???
Have been away in January,February ...
Most probably in January I was busy with the preparation of Chinese New Year
Have lots of fun, didn't have time to update.
February and March would be the most hectic month, as semester start I am struggling with time management.
With a Big smile =) I have survived. It is because this semester is a short semester so all the lecturers and tutorial classes are double, I have 4 subjects in 7 weeks. Great!!!
By God's grace I can do all things. 3 heavy subject and 1 easy subject.
Study for one hour end up confusion. Felt tired took a nap, It went into 3 hours nap.
Woke up with enlightenment, everything that is hard start to make sense.
Thank God.
Hope that I will score well for this semester =)